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Welcome to Glanis Institute of Allied Health Sciences
Medicine today is shaped by medical discoveries that were unimaginable even a decade ago. The pace of medical research is astounding and the future of Medicine is being rewritten. Teaching health care professionals in the 21st century cannot be done with outdated and medieval tools –it requires equally sophisticated technology.
Medical technology and the practice of Medicine has changed dramatically in the last century, but little has changed in the way Medicine is taught in today’s medical colleges in India. While healthcare technology has witnessed quantum leaps in the last few decades, medical education technology in India has remained rudimentary.
High-quality medical care is deliverable not just through the use of high-end medical technology. It requires well-trained doctors. While huge investments are made in sophisticated medical technology, no or little investments are made in medical education technology. The conventional classroom and the traditional lab still remain the training ground for doctors. Hospital wards which are designed & equipped to deliver patient care are not adequately designed or equipped for clinical education.
Glanis Institute of Medical Sciences is an initiative of highly-qualified doctors trained in the world’s best medical centers to bring most advanced medical education methodologies to Indian medical colleges – in an effort to create world-class physicians.
Healthcare infrastructure cannot be built with just brick and mortar. It requires a high quality healthcare workforce. India’s doctor : population ratio is one of the worst in the world (1: 2000), compared to a world average of 1: 800 and a US average of 1: 390.
In order to plug the gaps in the healthcare workforce, India has to double the number of its medical schools, triple the number of its nursing schools and quadruple the number of its paramedical schools.
What compounds the challenge is that a mere increase in numbers will not suffice. Inadequacies in the quality & skill of health care personnel trained in an outdated system & curriculum can add to the woes of our healthcare system.
To prevent a healthcare workforce crisis in the next decade, India not only needs to scale the volume but also significantly enhance the quality of its health education infrastructure.
Glanis Institute of Medical Sciences will be equipped with innovative education technology, staffed by expert faculty and meet international standards in medical education.
Glanis Institute of Medical Sciences will utilize the knowledge & experience of its expert team comprising of doctors who have worked and trained in the world’s best medical schools to develop world-class medical campuses in India.
It is estimated that India will build another 300 medical schools in the next 10 years to bridge the gaps in the physician & nursing workforce. The Glanis vision is to leverage the expertise of its team to ensure the highest quality and standards in medical & allied health science education in the country.
Glanis will build a flagship, model school of medical sciences - the Glanis Institute of Medical Sciences – in the city of Madurai. The Glanis Institute of Medical Sciences, which is scheduled to commence academic sessions in July 2017, will set the standards and raise the bar of health sciences education in India in the years to come.
The first phase (300 beds) of the 700 bed state-of-the-art academic medical center - Glanis Hospital is scheduled to commence its operations in the Glanis campus at Madurai in February 2018.
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