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Medical simulation training is modeled after military and commercial airline safety simulation. This type of training enhances education and allows for repetitive skills practice with zero chance of patient injury.
The many benefits of simulation are outlined in the Institute of Medicine's "To Err is Human" report published in 2000. Since then, patient simulation programs have been growing around the world.
Mannequins help save lives. Medical students at the Glanis Institute of Medical Sciences will use them to improve their techniques and teamwork in simulated hospital scenarios. The simulation center replicates a multidisciplinary hospital setting to give health care professionals and trainees a real-world environment in which to learn, practice and master the latest techniques for patient care. High-fidelity life-sized robotic “patients” (Sim G3, Sim Man, SimBaby, Sim NewB) mimic ailments and symptoms. The mannequins breathe, move their eyes, speak and have a variable pulse and heart rate. They react to doses of medication, injections, intravenous therapy and can even go into respiratory or cardiac arrest.
The 21st Century learning environment represents a paradigm change for education in health care. Most of the learning we do is in a vacuum. For medical teaching that has been done in the traditional classroom or the conventional patient ward, patient simulation is a tool to bring groups together to take care of complex issues and allow them to practice before they ever touch a patient.
The future of medical training is not just textbooks and lectures, where the training is passive, but rather a partnership with the new world of interactive simulation, where medical scenarios can be managed to all degrees of complexity.
State-of-the-art Human Simulation Center at the Glanis Institute of Medical Sciences is being designed to include a:
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