Welcome to Glanis Institute of Allied Health Sciences
Today, Medicine is about harvesting stem cells to make the human heart, re-engineering genes to treat hemophilia and using PET Scan to detect cancer.
This means Modern Medicine can no longer be taught with the traditional chalk and blackboard.
Teaching Modern Medicine required the use of smart tools that are as scientifically advanced as the concepts that are being taught.
Glanis Smart MD System is an organ-system based modular clinical curriculum that will incorporate animation / 3 D technology to seamlessly integrate the basic and clinical sciences.
For example, a medical student studying the human brain through Glanis Smart MD System will be able to take a 3 dimensional anatomical tour of the human anatomy and perform a virtual dissection of the organ on a computer-enabled smart dissection board. The student can correlate the anatomy of the human brain with MRI & CT Images. The module will consist of an animated physiological discussion of the organ system with in-depth explanation of pathological concepts. Through well-organized links, the student will be able to access relevant clinical case scenarios related to the pathological case discussions. Also, the student will be able to find actual cases in the ward of the affiliated teaching hospital that are relevant to his topic of study and make an appointment to see the patient.
Similarly, a student studying the anatomy & physiology of the Gastrointestinal tract will be able to view endoscopic images of the organ to better his understanding of the organ system.
The same Glanis Smart MD System can be used in the clinical wards, where discussing a patient with a disease / condition, the clinical instructor can access the Smart MD clinical module and utilize the tools to explain the anatomical and physiological concepts. To facilitate this, Smart MD-enabled teaching boards would be installed in the clinical wards of the affiliate teaching hospital.
A student accessing the Smart MD system to learn about the ‘Pancreas’ will have a breadth of learning options from viewing pathological slides of the organ to being able to confer with a diabetologist on clinical questions or discuss research ideas with expert faculty researcher working on islet cell transplant.
In essence, Glanis Smart MD System will use sophisticated technology to enhance clarity and make study of the basic & clinical sciences interesting, absorbing & engaging. Additionally, the student will evolve his learning through a graded-exposure to the diagnostic & imaging tools in early medical school years (as it is integrated in the Smart MD System) instead of being inundated with new technology all of a sudden when he enters clinical practice. The Glanis Smart MD System is the answer to the modern day medical education needs.
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